Church Resources

Voter Resources for Pastors & Ministers

As a Pastor, Church Administrator, Deacon or Church Elder we understand the need to have voter resources that you can share with your congregation and community. Voter resources for pastors and the people they work with are few and far between, and often of partisan nature. On this page and throughout our site, you will find information that has been carefully researched and prepared for you, so that you may inform your congregation and ensure it is the legal and constitutional boundaries of a Church.

As of October 2018, we have 100+ pastors just like you, located in Eastern Washington, who are recommending We Believe We Vote as a resource to their congregations and other pastors. We are also an affiliate of the Greater Spokane Association of Evangelicals and continue to support this organization on a local level.

Charles Finney, the well-known minister of America’s Second Great Awakening warned: “The Church must take ground in regards to politics…The time has come that Christians must vote…God cannot sustain this free and blessed country which we love and pray for unless the Church will take right ground. Politics are part of a religion in such a country as this and Christians must do their duty to the country as a part of their duty to God.”

Looking for more voter information?

We provide voter resources completely free of charge. Whether you’re looking to learn more about voting your values, the history of our country, or the constitution, we have resources to help you grow as a voter and Biblical Citizen.

We need your support!

Would you consider making a small donation today?

Your generous contribution can help us to:

  • Continually update and expand our voter education resources.
  • Keep our platform running smoothly and efficiently.
  • Reach more potential voters and empower them with knowledge.
  • Stand against misinformation by providing accurate, unbiased information on candidates and candidate positions.

Even a small amount can make a big difference, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their income, has access to this vital information.

Click the “Donate Now” button below to contribute any amount that feels right for you.

Together, we can continue to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. Your support means the world to us and to the countless voters who depend on our resources.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.