Make A Donation

Thank You For Your Support!

Thank you for voting and utilizing our voter guide! Every election cycle We Believe We Vote works tirelessly to fulfill our mission to research candidates and ballot issues, prepare and distribute trustworthy resources, and mobilize citizens to vote based on Biblical truth and Constitutional principles.

As a non-profit, we operate exclusively on donations and partnerships with concerned community members and Biblical Citizens. Please consider donating to advance God’s kingdom in our nation and in our politics.

Make A Donation Online

Monthly Donation
One Time Donation

Minimum donation: $5.00 every month

Minimum donation: $5.00

Note: We are a 508(c)(1)(a) ministry, contributions made to We Believe We Vote are tax deductible.

Mail Your Donation

Alternatively, you can give via check by making your check payable to We Believe We Vote and mailing to:
PO Box 18464, Spokane, WA 99228-0464

We need your support!

Would you consider making a small donation today?

Your generous contribution can help us to:

  • Continually update and expand our voter education resources.
  • Keep our platform running smoothly and efficiently.
  • Reach more potential voters and empower them with knowledge.
  • Stand against misinformation by providing accurate, unbiased information on candidates and candidate positions.

Even a small amount can make a big difference, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their income, has access to this vital information.

Click the “Donate Now” button below to contribute any amount that feels right for you.

Together, we can continue to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. Your support means the world to us and to the countless voters who depend on our resources.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.